Expert, empathetic income generation and bid support for charities, social enterprises and SMEs

Elevate your bids and funding applications with writing support and practical, actionable edit and review feedback and coaching.

Why Bid Buddy?

In these difficult economic times the pressures of diminishing public funding coupled with rising prices continue to grow. Competition from larger oragnisaitions with better resourcing and dedicated business development teams and fundraisers is a real issue for smaller, more local or niche providers.

Chief Officers and Managing Directors often have to write bids whilst managing day-to-day operations with little or no support. This can be a stressful and lonely experience for leaders, Full bid management and writing services are beyond the budgets of smaller organisations.

That’s why Bid Buddy is here with our transparent and affordable bid support solution to help smaller charities, social enterprises and SMEs deal with the challenges of competitive tendering and income generation.

I’ll be your chief cheerleader and support, helping you win more contracts through clear, effective and targeted support.

Why Fundraising Friend?

Our Bid Buddy service has a sister offer, Fundraising Friend  – offering fundraising support to put the foundations in place for income generation success from your case for support to specific grant applications.