Super-charge your trusts and foundations fundraising
In these difficult economic times the need for charitable and social sector support has never been greater, but the pressures of diminishing public funding coupled with inflation continue to grow. Competition from larger charities with better resourcing and dedicated fundraisers is a real issue for smaller, more local or niche providers.
Competition for limited grant funding is fierce, and there is nothing more disheartening than a rejection email.…if it even comes.
Fundraising friend is an expert, empathetic extra pair of hands to super-charge your trusts and foundations fundraising.
Case for support review and development
An engaging and thorough “case for support” is the foundation of effective fundraising.
It helps establish the compelling reasons for funders to support your organisation and gives the whole team a shared language to use when talking about your organisation’s activity to the outside world.
It’s a bit like an organisational memory bank and contains everything there is to know about your project/organisation, including the costs, how you deliver, what you achieve and a fundraising action plan. It will form the basis of trust and grant funding applications.
I can freshen up your existing case for support, or help you develop an all singing, all dancing new one to super-charge your fundraising efforts.
Prospect research and pipeline development
Researching and submitting bids to trusts, foundations and statutory bodies can be complex and time consuming.
I’ll do the heavy lifting of researching potential funders (prospects) and I’ll pull the most relevant together for you in a pipeline, clearly showing funder priorities, application windows and deadlines that can help you manage and track your grant funding workload.
Grant writing or edit and review support
from £275
Have you identified your potential trust funder and got your project idea ready to go? I’ll write you a sparkling grant application that’s ready to submit.
If you’ve got a draft application and you want some objective, experienced eyes to give you a second opinion I can give you honest, clear and actionable feedback. I’ll also edit and review the draft to buff and polish your proposal to perfection.
All pricing is in GBP.
Need more help?
Not quite the solution you need? Get in touch and we can talk about full bid writing aupport options.